
Fleas belong to the order of Siphonacteria, insects endowed, in the adult stage, with a stinging-sucking mouthparts (siphon) and wingless (atteri). They are, therefore, hematophagous insects, whose adults need the blood of warm-blooded animals to reproduce (dogs, cats, rats, etc.). The species with which man is most often in contact are 3: the Flea of cat (Ctenocephalides felis), dog flea (Ctenocephalides canis) and rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis). Less frequent are the human flea (Pulex irritans) and the poultry flea (Echidenofaga gallinacea).

Damage caused

  • Fleas are of medical and veterinary importance for 2 reasons: They act as a vector of important diseases.
  •  They cause skin irritation following the bite The rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis) plays the role of primary vector of two diseases: bubonic plague and murine typhus. The first, whose agent is the bacterium Yersinia pestis, is transmitted from rat to rat to rat to man, through fleas. This transmission is more frequent on the border between urban and rural areas (interface zones), parks and recreation areas. The second disease, murine typhus, still represents the second rickettsia infection in the United States, and is transmitted by the rat flea and the cat flea. The control of these diseases is based on the control of rodents and fleas. In particular, it is necessary to consider the possibility that, following a successful rat extermination, fleas may abandon dead or dying rats en masse and disperse in search of warm-blooded replacement hosts. Therefore, it is very important to use traditional insecticides or growth regulators in areas infested with rats before performing carpet rat extermination interventions.In addition to the transmission of pathogens, fleas can cause dermatitis with their bites. allergic: an immunological disease due to the reaction against the antigens present in the saliva injected by the flea.

How to act

There are various types of fleas: some prefer dogs, others cats and still others affect humans. In fact, the presence of fleas is not always attributable to our four-legged friends, human fleas are increasingly frequent and to deal with them it is first of all necessary to carry out a disinfestation operation in your home, otherwise they will continue to recur indefinitely. you notice bites on our skin, surely it is human fleas if instead it is our dog or cat that has contracted them you will be able to notice black dots (excrement) on their fur. In humans, an alarm bell are the numerous small red spots on the skin.If you can identify the origin and the infestation is limited you can try to use products against fleas, this if the infestation is quite contained ( dog that sleeps outside in the kennel and does not enter the house, the kennel and the dog can be treated with specific products without having to carry out a radical disinfestation). If, on the other hand, you are not able to identify the areas and the severity of the infestation it is appropriate contact a company that carries out flea disinfestations like ours, able to carry out a targeted and professional intervention with the aim of completely eradicating the presence of parasites.
