Defeating molds can be a very difficult operation, which becomes impossible if you do not have the appropriate tools. Molds enter your home continuously because they are carried by the outside air, by the clothes you wear, by the soles of your shoes ... Since the house is a delimited and closed environment, their concentration (it has been demonstrated with tests carried out by various universities) is much greater than that recorded outdoors. Since there are many surfaces in the house on which they can rest, molds find much more "soil" useful for their growth than occurs in the external environment. They also find in the environment a much greater amount of antagonists (other organisms that prevent molds from growing and replicating) than there are in your home. The antagonism between living beings in nature is one of the very first natural defenses that have evolved to allow the survival of one organism to the detriment of another.


In addition to being harmful to humans, mold is also harmful to the building materials in which it spreads. Breathing mold spores over time can cause respiratory infections, asthma or allergic reactions. For buildings, in the case of severe mold infestation, in the worst case it is necessary to dry the walls, Bad insulation, insufficient ventilation and unheated rooms are an ideal habitat for mold. When ventilated, mold spores arrive in inhabited rooms, garages or basements. If they meet the right conditions, mold begins to lurk. Mold forms where the air is humid, a clue to this is condensation. Most molds grow on the surfaces of the walls with a relative humidity of the air between 80 and 85 percent. The sooner you get rid of the mold, the better. The best way to combat a mold infestation in the cellar or garage are preventive measures. Because once the mold manifests itself, it never goes away if not with the necessary analyzes and specific treatments with rigid protocols. Important in the cellar: in summer, avoid keeping the windows open, to prevent the formation of mold. Because if hot and humid summer air reaches the cold cellar walls, this can increase the risk of a mold infestation.If a large surface is infested with mold and has been around for a long time or keeps reappearing after several attempts do-it-yourself, absolutely contact expert teams in the sanitation sector.
