
Scorpions are animals that are mainly active at night, when they hunt insects, spiders, and other small animals. The preys are seized with the "claws" (called "pedipalps") and chopped with the chelicerae; the largest prey are first paralyzed with the poison of the sting. The female produces already active, semi-transparent, identical to the adults, which she carries for a few days on the abdomen.To date, in most of the Italian territory only the genus Euscorpius (family Chactidae) with 4 subgenera and 12 species of the which the most common are E. italicus and E. flavicaudis; however, the classification of the species of this genus, very similar to each other, is subject to continuous revision and updating by expert taxonomists. The size averages around 3-4 cm, depending on the species. The coloring of the species present in Italy is generally dark but E. flavicaudis can be recognized from the others by the color of the sting and the limbs, usually yellowish. For completeness, it is also appropriate to report the species Buthus occitanus (family Buthidae) since although present in Spain, southern France and other European regions has also occasionally been reported in Liguria. The sting of this scorpion is particularly painful compared to that of the genus Euscorpius.


Being stung by a scorpion is a rather rare event in Italy, but not impossible. These are animals, prone to hide but which if trapped or harassed can sting humans that they consider a predator. In most cases, the effects of the sting from Euscorpius are comparable to those of the sting of a wasp or a bee, in an adult, healthy, non-allergic (normosensitive) subject. However, to the erythema caused. origin to real infestations. The most effective method to combat the presence of these arachnids is to avoid providing them with shelters through the accumulation of materials (piles of wood, boxes, etc.). In the case of severe infestations of domestic environments, a residual-action insecticide can be used, such as those used against cockroaches. Scorpions are not real infesting arthropods but rather animals that can create occasional discomfort. In fact, as an extreme defense weapon, the scorpion can sting with a poisonous sting (called telson) placed at the end of the abdomen, who inadvertently disturbs it. The concern about these arachnids in the home or work environment derives from this well-known peculiarity. It should be remembered that, although they may arouse fear or disgust in some, in reality these small predators can feed on pests in homes.

How to act

Call us and we will help you by identifying (after a careful inspection) where they hide and planning a specific intervention for your situation.
