Ordinary maintenance actions that companies carry out on this type of public toilet

The continuous use of portable toilets by many people can cause pathogenic bacteria and viruses to accumulate on the surfaces, therefore it is essential that these toilets are frequently treated with disinfection and sanitizing chemical toilets. sanitation, in fact, are carried out with the aid of specific sanitizing and disinfectant equipment and products, capable of eliminating any bacterial, fungal or viral form and thus annihilating the risk of transmission of infections and pathologies. chemical toilets, is one of the ordinary maintenance actions that companies carry out on this type of public toilets, as strict regulations impose careful disinfectant actions on chemical toilets that eradicate the risk of transmission of bacteria and viruses. , are identified with the Medical Surgery brand, and the equipment used they are specific for the elimination of bacteria, viruses, spores and fungi. Only by relying on specialized companies is it possible to have the guarantee of effective and safe sanitation interventions.

Scrupulous sanitation is required

General definitions

The chemical toilet is a sanitary tool that uses chemical agents to disinfect the vessel, in cases where it is not possible to drain the contents towards the sewer system. Their main use is inside airplanes, trains, campers, caravans and campsites, but also at construction sites, music festivals and homes not connected to the sewer.The chemical agents used, in addition to perfumes, are mainly sodium hydroxide and formaldehyde (methanal), respectively with caustic and disinfectant action. Formaldehyde is sometimes replaced with less irritating agents for the airways of the respiratory system.Usually, the manufacturing companies rely, for distribution, on dealers who take care to follow the whole process of grounding the mobile toilet: from transport, maintenance, cleaning up to collection. In addition to franchisees, there are often small and medium-sized companies with their own bathrooms on the local market.